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The following are for reference, and do not contain an accessible training
Health and Wellbeing

Porn and Young People in Aotearoa

This workshop explores the online porn landscape and NZ young people's consumption, behaviours and experiences of porn and the impacts on sexual attitudes, behaviours, health and wellbeing. Also discussed is porn literacy tools and NZ support services.

Health and Wellbeing

Pornography and Young People

Hear insights Christian Gallen has gained about current trends and research into the topic of pornography, how it may be affecting young people and what helpful messages and support youth organisations could offer.

Health and Wellbeing

Sexual Violence: A Youth Worker’s Role

This talk focusses on impacts of sexual violence on a young person's life, how best to support from within a youth worker role, discuss the importance of boundaries and self care when doing this work, and how to work alongside families where appropriate.

Significant Event Response

Responding to Disclosures in Youth Work

This workshop explores responding to disclosures about depression, anxiety, self harm, suicidal ideation, sexual abuse/violence and responding to young people coming out about sexual/gender identity.

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