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Health and Wellbeing

Werry Workforce Whāraurau: Self-care in trauma-informed organisations

This webinar will overview the importance of worker wellbeing, and consider ways organisations and individuals can foster workplace wellbeing and practice self-care to foster the resilience and energy essential for supporting others.

Youth Development Approaches

The Factors that Influence Positive Youth Development and Wellbeing Webinar – Kelsey Deane

Dr Kelsey Deane explores tensions surrounding different conceptualisations of what is and what leads to positive youth development and wellbeing from three popular international perspectives: adolescent health, resilience and Positive Youth Development.

The following are for reference, and do not contain an accessible training
Health and Wellbeing

Resilence: Thriving in the Face of Change, Challenge and Stress

This training explores the importance of fostering resilience in young people. Practical skills are shared through 3 activities within resilience training 1. Make Me Resilient, 2. Real Stress Management Skills, 3. Making Difficult Conversations Easier.

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